Tips to Repair Audio in iZotope RX Advanced Audio Editor
IZotope is a great tool for sound engineers, as it lets them repair audio. iZotope RX advanced audio editor offers several useful audio restoration tools. We have explained the use of all tools such as Declip, Denoise, Decrackle, Dereverb, etc. You can use all these important tools and quickly repair an audio track with the help of this tool. We have explained the complete process of improving damaged or badly recorded audio in the iZotope RX advanced audio editor. Read the process that we have mentioned below: Eliminate the Bad Frequencies from Audio The first and important thing one must do to repair audio is to remove the audio’s bad frequencies. To remove the bad frequencies from an audio track, you should first find the bad frequencies and eliminate them. RX advanced audio editor lets one recognize the bad and unwanted frequencies with the graphical representation. By taking a look at the graph, you can understand where the main problem lies. Experiment with the cursor by mo...